Genera within MELUA - Algae (marine and freshwater)
There are 279 genera in this taxonomic group, and of these, 180 genera have one or more images within this taxonomic group.
- Acanthophora
- Acinetospora
- Acrocarpia
- Acrotylus
- Actinotrichia
- Adamsiella
- Adenocystis
- Aglaothamnion
- Ahnfeltia
- Aiolocolax
- Amphibolis
- Amphiroa
- Anacystis
- Anadyomene
- Antithamnionella
- Aphanothece
- Apjohnia
- Arthrocardia
- Ascophyllum
- Asparagopsis
- Audouinella
- Avrainvillea
- Bachelotia
- Ballia
- Basicladia
- Betaphycus
- Boergesenia
- Bornetella
- Bostrychia
- Botryocladia
- Brongniartella
- Bryopsis
- Callipsygma
- Callithamnion
- Callophycus
- Callophyllis
- Caloglossa
- Calothrix
- Camontagnea
- Carpoglossum
- Carpophyllum
- Catenella
- Caulacanthus
- Caulerpa
- Caulocystis
- Centroceras
- Ceramium
- Chaetomorpha
- Champia
- Chara
- Chlanidophora
- Chlorodesmis
- Chondracanthus
- Chondria
- Chondrophycus
- Chorda
- Chordaria
- Chylocladia
- Cladophora
- Cladophoropsis
- Cladosiphon
- Cladostephus
- Clathromorphum
- Claviclonium
- Codium
- Coeloclonium
- Colpomenia
- Corallina
- Crassiphycus
- Cryptonemia
- Curdiea
- Cutleria
- Cystophora
- Cystoseira
- Dasya
- Dasycladus
- Dasyclonium
- Delesseria
- Delisea
- Desmarestia
- Diapse
- Dictyopteris
- Dictyosphaeria
- Dictyosphaerium
- Dictyota
- Dictyothamnion
- Digenea
- Diplocladia
- Dipterosiphonia
- Distromium
- Draparnaldia
- Durvillaea
- Echinothamnion
- Ecklonia
- Ectocarpus
- Elisiella
- Enteromorpha
- Entophysalis
- Erythrotrichia
- Eudesme
- Feldmannia
- Furcellaria
- Galaxaura
- Gastroclonium
- Gayliella
- Gelidiella
- Gelidium
- Gigartina
- Gracilaria
- Gracilariopsis
- Grateloupia
- Griffithsia
- Gymnogongrus
- Halimeda
- Haliptilon
- Haloplegma
- Halopteris
- Halurus
- Halymenia
- Helminthocladia
- Hemineura
- Herposiphonia
- Herringtonia
- Heterosiphonia
- Heterothamnion
- Heterozostera
- Hildenbrandia
- Hincksia
- Hirsutithallia
- Homoeostrichus
- Hormophysa
- Hormosira
- Hydroclathrus
- Hydropuntia
- Hymenena
- Hymenocladia
- Hypnea
- Inkyuleea
- Jania
- Kallymenia
- Laingia
- Laurencia
- Leathesia
- Liagora
- Lithophyllum
- Lithoporella
- Lithothamnion
- Lobospira
- Lomentaria
- Lophothalia
- Lophothamnion
- Lophurella
- Lychaete
- Lyngbya
- Macrocystis
- Martensia
- Mazzaella
- Medeiothamnion
- Melanothamnus
- Melanthalia
- Melobesia
- Mesogloia
- Metacallophyllis
- Metagoniolithon
- Metamastophora
- Microcladia
- Microcoleus
- Microspora
- Mychodea
- Myriocladia
- Myriodesma
- Myriogloea
- Myriogramme
- Nemalion
- Neogoniolithon
- Neomeris
- Nitella
- Nitophyllum
- Nizymenia
- Nostoc
- Notheia
- Nothogenia
- Oedogonium
- Osmundaria
- Osmundea
- Pachymenia
- Pachymeniopsis
- Padina
- Palisada
- Papenfussiella
- Parviphycus
- Perrinia
- Phacelocarpus
- Phitymophora
- Phormidium
- Phycodrys
- Phyllodictyon
- Phyllospora
- Phyllotricha
- Phymatolithon
- Platysiphonia
- Plocamium
- Pollexfenia
- Polycerea
- Polyostea
- Polysiphonia
- Porolithon
- Porphyra
- Posidonia
- Pseudobryopsis
- Pseudochnoospora
- Pseudolithoderma
- Psilosiphon
- Pterocladia
- Pterocladiella
- Ptilocladia
- Ptilophora
- Punctaria
- Pylaiella
- Pyropia
- Rhipidosiphon
- Rhipidothamnion
- Rhizoclonium
- Rhodocallis
- Rhodochorton
- Rhodoglossum
- Rhodopeltis
- Rhodophyllis
- Rhodymenia
- Rivularia
- Sarcothalia
- Sargassum
- Scaberia
- Schizoseris
- Schizothrix
- Scinaia
- Scytonema
- Scytonematopsis
- Scytosiphon
- Scytothalia
- Scytothamnus
- Seirococcus
- Siphonocladus
- Sonderopelta
- Sorospora
- Spatoglossum
- Sphacelaria
- Splachnidium
- Spongites
- Spongocladia
- Spongoclonium
- Sporolithon
- Spyridia
- Stigeoclonium
- Stigonema
- Struvea
- Stypopodium
- Suringariella
- Synarthrophyton
- Taonia
- Tenaciphyllum
- Thuretia
- Tinocladia
- Titanoderma
- Tolypiocladia
- Tribonema
- Turbinaria
- Tydemania
- Udotea
- Ulva
- Valonia
- Valoniopsis
- Vertebrata
- Wittrockiella
- Wrangelia
- Xiphophora
- Zonaria
- Zostera
- Zymurgia