Search help
Described here are the searchable attributes from the search the herbarium page.
Catalogue Number
MELU catalogue numbers take the standard format: MELU[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{6}[a-z]{1}
e.g. MELUA001054a
"MELU" is inferred and does not need to be included at the beginning of a text string.
The taxonomic group* is indicated by the letter that follows "MELU" in the catalogue number:
A = Algae (marine and freshwater)
B = Bryophytes (mosses)
D = Dicotyledon (flowering plants)
F = Fungi
G = Gymnosperms (conifers)
H = Hepatics (hornworts and liverworts)
L = Lichens
M = Monocotyledon (flowering plants)
P = Pteridophytes (ferns)
R = Botanical Model Collection*Taxonomic groups follow historical circumscriptions that refer to non-monophyletic lineages in some instances.
- Family
- Genus
- Species
- Collector
Collector Number
A Collectors number is the unique number assigned to a collection by the collector.
The field accepts alphanumeric text. Typical formats include the collectors initials followed by a number e.g. GCK1000 and a number only e.g. 1000.
The term "s.n." (an abbreviation of "sine numero" meaning "without a number") is recorded where a collection number was not assigned by the Collector.
Collection Date
The collection date records the date that the plant material was collected.
Dates applied are inclusive.
Provision of only a minimum / maximum collection date will retrieve all collections made after / before the specified date.
Provision of a minimum and maximum collection date will result in all collections made between those dates (inclusive).
E.g. to retrieve collections in 1900, set "collection date min" to 01/01/1900 and "collection date max" to 31/12/1900.
For searches, records lacking either the day (e.g. "Oct, 1912") or month (e.g. "1912") in collection dates, will be searched using the first of the month or the first month, respectively. Accurate (i.e. incomplete) collection dates are provided in search results and data downloads.
For data downloads "date precision=1" refers to complete dates, "date precision=2" refers to records lacking the day (e.g. "Oct, 1912"), "date precision=3" refers to records lacking the day and month (e.g. "1912")
Determined Date
A determination is the assignment of a taxonomic name to a herbarium specimen. The determination date records the more recent date that the name was assigned to the specimen.
Dates are applied inclusive.
Provision of only a minimum / maximum determination date will retrieve all collections made after / before the specified date.
Provision of a minimum and maximum determination date will result in all collections made between those dates (inclusive).
E.g. to retrieve collection objects determined in 1900, set "determined date min" to 01/01/1900 and "determined date max" to 31/12/1900.
For searches, records lacking either the day (e.g. "Oct, 1912") or month (e.g. "1912") in determination dates, will be searched using the first of the month or the first month, respectively. Accurate (i.e. incomplete) determination dates are provided in search results and data downloads.
For data downloads "date precision=1" refers to complete dates, "date precision=2" refers to records lacking the day (e.g. "Oct, 1912"), "date precision=3" refers to records lacking the day and month (e.g. "1912")
Refers to sets of specimens, including:
a. Specimens that form regional reference sets that are used for teaching purposes
b. Institutional herbaria that have been accessioned into MELU that are referenced by their historical herbarium name and acronym
c. Significant personal herbaria that have been gifted to MELU
d. Culturally or institutionally significant sets of specimens
Preparation Type
Preparation types refer to herbarium specimens or to objects derived from them.
Herbarium specimens include:
"Boxed fungi/algae" = sample stored in an archival box
"Carpological" = fruit sample
"Packet" = samples stored in an archival envelope (typically Bryophytes or Liverworts)
"Sheet" = sample mounted onto an archival A3 size sheet
"Spirit" = sample stored in chemical preservative (typically 70% ethanol)Derived objects include:
"Digital image (high resolution)" = digital TIFF files of size >200 MB
"Digital image (low resolution)" = digital JPEG or PNG files of size >200 MB, including digitised copies of letters, illustrations, micrographs etc.
"Photograph" = printed photograph
"Photograph slide" = printed photograph of a slide
"Micrograph" = printed photograph of an image taken using a microscope
"SEM" = printed photograph taken using a scanning electron microscope - Ex Herbarium Identifier
- Ex Herbarium Accession Number
- Type