Genera within MELUB - Bryophytes (mosses)
There are 99 genera in this taxonomic group, and of these, 3 genera have one or more images within this taxonomic group.
- Acanthorrhynchium
- Acaulon
- Achrophyllum
- Acrobolbus
- Acrocladium
- Acromastigum
- Acroporium
- Aloina
- Amphidium
- Anacamptodon
- Andreaea
- Anomobryum
- Anthoceros
- Archidium
- Atrichum
- Aulacomnium
- Barbellopsis
- Barbula
- Bartramia
- Bartramidula
- Bazzania
- Bescherellia
- Blindia
- Brachymenium
- Brachythecium
- Braithwaitea
- Breutelia
- Bryobrothera
- Bryoerythrophyllum
- Bryum
- Callicostella
- Calliergonella
- Calomnion
- Calyptopogon
- Calyptrochaeta
- Camptochaete
Go to genus Campylopus
Species list:
- Catagonium
- Ceratodon
- Cheilolejeunea
- Chiloscyphus
- Clasmatocolea
- Conostomum
- Crossidium
- Cryphaea
- Ctenidium
- Cyathophorum
- Cyptodon
- Daltonia
- Dawsonia
- Dendrocryphaea
- Dendroligotrichum
- Desmatodon
- Dicranella
- Dicranoloma
- Dicranoweisia
- Dicranum
- Didymodon
- Distichophyllum
- Ditrichum
- Drucella
- Eccremidium
- Echinodium
- Ectropothecium
- Entodon
- Entosthodon
- Ephemeropsis
- Erpodium
- Eucamptodon
- Euptychium
- Eurhynchium
- Fabronia
- Fallaciella
Go to genus Fissidens
Species list:
- Frullania
- Fumaria
- Funaria
- Garovaglia
Go to genus Gemmabryum
Species list:
- Gertrudiella
- Gigaspermum
- Glyphothecium
- Goniobryum
- Goniomitrium
- Grimmia
- Gymnostomiella
- Gymnostomum
- Hampeella
- Hedenaesia
- Hedwigia
- Hedwigidium
- Holomitrium
- Hookeriopsis
- Hydrogonium
- Hymenodon
- Hymenodontopsis
- Hyophila
- Hypnodendron
- Hypnum