Key | Value |
Locality | Millbrook rd, 2.5 km from the Albany Hwy, c. 18 km direct line NNW of Albany |
Collection date | 04/08/1987 |
Collection date precision | 1 |
Collectors (aggregated) | Thiele, K.R. |
Collecting no. | KRT1529 |
Preparation type(s) | 2 x Sheet, 2 x Digital image (high resolution) |
Latitude, longitude | -34.8833333333,117.8 |
Latitude/longitude accuracy | 2. 50 m - 1 km |
Altitude | |
Habitat | Laterite rise |
State | Western Australia |
Country | |
Determined date | |
Determined date precision | |
Collection | |
Ex Herbarium | |
Type |
Taxon rank | Taxon name |
Life | Life |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Subkingdom | Viridaeplantae |
Division | Streptophyta |
Class | Equisetopsida |
Subclass | Magnoliidae |
Superorder | Proteanae |
Order | Proteales |
Family | Proteaceae |
Genus | Banksia |
Species | Banksia grandis |