Curdiea furcata
Catalogue number: MELUA122179a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Stewart Island Locality: Ocean Beach.
Collectors: Nash, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/02/1935
Number of high resolution images: 2
There are 136 collection objects. Of these, 10 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 12 images, and 9 collection objects are georeferenced.
There are 6 genera, and 23 species.
Catalogue number: MELUA122179a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Stewart Island Locality: Ocean Beach.
Collectors: Nash, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/02/1935
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUA122053a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northland Locality: Oneroa, Bay of Islands, North Island.
Collectors: Warnock, I.B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/01/1935
Number of high resolution images: 2
Catalogue number: MELUA115210a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island, [La Perouse, Botany Bay].
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA042864a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island, [La Perouse, Botany Bay].
Collectors: Zuccarello, G.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/12/1998
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA042863a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island, [La Perouse, Botany Bay].
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA042862a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island.
Collectors: Zuccarello, G.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/06/1999
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA122209a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Tilden, J.E. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/10/1912
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA122071a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northland Locality: Motu Archia [Motuarohia], Bay of Islands.
Collectors: Lindauer, V.W. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 21/01/1935
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA122067a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northland Locality: Motu Archia [Motuarohia], Bay of Islands, North Island
Collectors: Jones, L.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 21/01/1935
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA121959a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Doore, L.A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 21/11/1934
Number of high resolution images: 1
Catalogue number: MELUA004865a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Wilson.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/02/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004946a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mornington.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/05/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020360a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Sandy Cape.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/12/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020430a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Queensland Locality: Archer's Pt. [Point], near Cocktown.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/05/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004839a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. Wilson.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/02/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004830a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Nepean.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/01/2019
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004776a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Washington Locality: San Juan Island.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 04/09/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA020456a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Queensland Locality: Finch Bay, near Cooktown.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/05/1970
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021509a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Shoreham Reef.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 28/02/1962
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021591a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Nora Creina.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C., MacRaild, G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/10/1972
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA021816a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Brown, V. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/08/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022160a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: Palm Beach, Nossy-Bé [Nosy Be].
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 06/10/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022202a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: Plage Morne Brabant
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/10/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022263a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: St. Kilda Breakwall inner.
Collectors: Diver Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 23/02/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004747a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Flinders.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/10/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022281a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Off St. Kilda Marina 11.1.
Collectors: Payne, D. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/02/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA022305a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Off St. Kilda Marina 11.4.
Collectors: Payne, D. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 26/02/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023077a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pope's Eye, Port Philip Bay.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023289a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 29/01/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023576a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: KwaZulu-Natal Locality: Umkomaas.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 06/01/1977
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023879a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: BP Refinery pier, WP.B [Western Port Bay].
Collectors: Millar, A., H., K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1979
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA023964a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Nth [North] side Muttonbird I. [Island] Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/01/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA024325a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Ocean Reef Marina.
Collectors: O'Brien, C., Millar, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 09/12/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA024348a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: Greenough.
Collectors: Huisman, J., Ricker, R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/12/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA036974a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: [Not specified].
Collectors: Tevita Collector's number: WB19.74
Collected date: 09/07/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA036978a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: [Not specified].
Collectors: Booth, W. Collector's number: WB20.74
Collected date: 17/07/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA036979a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: [Not specified].
Collectors: Tevita Collector's number: WB19.74
Collected date: 09/07/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA037002a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: [Not specified].
Collectors: Tevita Collector's number: WB19.74
Collected date: 09/07/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA037081a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: [Not specified].
Collectors: Min-Thein, U. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003705a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: San Remo.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 06/10/1939
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003498a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Pt. [Point] Lonsdale, Lighthouse reef.
Collectors: Cappelli, M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 24/01/1968
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003207a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: Noumea.
Collectors: Gatala, R. Collector's number: RG31
Collected date: 00/10/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003154a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Queensland Locality: Wonga beach, near Daintree, N. [North] Queensland.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 11/06/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003146a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Queensland Locality: Wonga beach, near Daintree, N. [North] Queensland.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 11/06/1966
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002208a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Newport Power Station.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/07/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA002058a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 05/02/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001954a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Newcasle.
Collectors: Price, I.R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/01/1965
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001828a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Paynesville.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/03/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001778a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northern Territory Locality: Snake Bay, Melville Is. [Island].
Collectors: Hallam, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001777a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northern Territory Locality: Snake Bay, Melville Is. [Island].
Collectors: Hallam, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/10/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001760a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northern Territory Locality: Snake Bay, Melville Is. [Island].
Collectors: Hallam, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001759a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northern Territory Locality: Snake Bay, Melville Is. [Island].
Collectors: Hallam, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001749a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Northern Territory Locality: Melville Is [Island].
Collectors: Hallam, N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/10/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001603a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Queenscliff, Swan Bay Jetty.
Collectors: Harris, M. Collector's number: 5.
Collected date: 20/09/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA001431a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lake Victoria.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 28/05/1964
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA000199a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Norman's Bay, N. [North] Wilson's Promentory.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 17/10/1962
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040678a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., LaFerla, D., Van Amerongen Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/05/2019
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004730a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portarlington.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/10/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004714a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: South Australia Locality: Robe.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 27/09/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004643a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Limeburner's Bay Lagoon.
Collectors: Black, J.H. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 13/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004546a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Sperm Whale Head, The Lakes National Park.
Collectors: King, R.J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 14/06/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004536a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Swan Bay, Port Philip Bay.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/05/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004520a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Glaneuse reef, Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004516a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Point Lonsdale, Glaneuse reef.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004515a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Glaneuse Reef, Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA004361a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Near Cape Woolamai.
Collectors: Ducker, S.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 14/02/1969
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003713a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Wallaga.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 06/10/1950
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003712a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Lake Victoria, Paynesville.
Collectors: Cribb, A.B. Collector's number: 79.1
Collected date: 02/10/1950
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003710a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Manly, Sydney Harbour.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/00/1884
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003709a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null Locality: Cannes.
Collectors: Raphelis, A. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/11/1930
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003708a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Bohuslän Locality: Kristenberg, Åby Fjord.
Collectors: Levring, T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/07/1946
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003707a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Lake Victoria.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/10/1950
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA003706a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/07/1948
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118637a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Mud Island, Port Phillip Bay.
Collectors: Williams, D. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 02/11/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118638a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A. Collector's number: AM207
Collected date: 08/07/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118639a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: North East Lagoon, Flinders Island.
Collectors: Scott, F., Sanderson, C. Collector's number: FS1692
Collected date: 02/07/1994
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118640a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Meridith Point.
Collectors: Sanderson, C. Collector's number: FS1691
Collected date: 17/07/1994
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118641a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118642a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118643a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/02/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118644a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/02/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118645a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/06/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118646a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118647a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118648a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Trial Bay, Kettering.
Collectors: Thomas, D.P. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 16/02/1984
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118649a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Taranaki Locality: New Plymouth.
Collectors: Chidgey, S. Collector's number: G.K. 7468
Collected date: 29/02/1984
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118650a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Muttonbird Is. [Island], Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A., Chidgey, S. Collector's number: AM1231
Collected date: 20/10/1986
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118651a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null
Collectors: Min-Thein, U. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118652a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Nth [North] Side Muttonbird Is. [Island], Coffs H. [Harbour].
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: GK298
Collected date: 29/08/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118653a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Muttonbird Island, Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A., Huisman, J. Collector's number: AM981
Collected date: 19/08/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118654a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 15/06/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118655a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: Lewis, J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118656a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/01/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118657a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A. Collector's number: AM206
Collected date: 08/07/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118800a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A. Collector's number: AM205
Collected date: 08/07/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118801a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A. Collector's number: AM208
Collected date: 08/07/1980
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118802a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Arrawarra Beach.
Collectors: Millar, A., O'Brien, C. Collector's number: AM389
Collected date: 06/01/1981
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118803a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: BP Refinery pier, WP.B [Western Port Bay].
Collectors: Millar, A., H., K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1979
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118804a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: BP Refinery pier, WP.B [Western Port Bay].
Collectors: Millar, A., H., K. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1979
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118805a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Marion Bay [Writing partially illegible].
Collectors: Scott, F.J. Collector's number: FS1624
Collected date: 09/06/1994
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118806a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Morton [-Wentworth] Pt [Point].
Collector's number: 73
Collected date: 13/12/1974
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118807a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Massachusetts Locality: Cape Cod, West Falmouth Jetty.
Collectors: Wetherbee, R. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 10/07/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118989a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null
Collectors: Axelrad, D. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 22/03/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118990a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Lewis, J. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/04/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040679a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., LaFerla, D., Van Amerongen Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/05/1989
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040680a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., LaFerla, D., Van Amerongen Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/05/1989
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040681a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 08/05/1989
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040682a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., LaFerla, D., Van Amerongen Collector's number: s.n
Collected date: 08/05/1989
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA040689a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Western Australia Locality: West of Hermite Island, Montebello Island.
Collectors: Huisman, J.M. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 11/07/1992
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042104a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Pt [Point] Effingham.
Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 01/12/1973
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042860a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portland.
Collectors: Byrne, K., McDonald, B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/04/1999
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042861a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portland.
Collectors: Byrne, K., McDonald, B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/04/1999
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042865a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Marion Bay.
Collectors: Byrne, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042866a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Marion Bay.
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042867a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Kilcunda Abalone Farm, Phillip Island.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T., Stevens, B. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 19/04/1999
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042868a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Nelson.
Collectors: Herrington, R., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042869a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: null
Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA042872a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portsea Pier.
Collectors: Byrne, K., W., N. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 25/04/1999
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA114746b
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portland Harbour
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: K8307
Collected date: 27/04/1990
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115211a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island, [La Perouse, Botany Bay].
Collectors: Zuccarello, G.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 00/06/1999
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115212a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Bare Island, [La Perouse, Botany Bay].
Collectors: Zuccarello, G.C. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115213a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Marion Bay.
Collectors: Byrne, K. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115214a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Cloudy Lagoon, Bruny Island.
Collectors: Edgar, G. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 30/01/1993
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115278a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115295a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Nelson.
Collectors: Herrington, R., Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115296a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Korffs Inlet, Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A.J.K., Gabrielson, P.W. Collector's number: AM591
Collected date: 22/01/1982
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115300a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Korffs Islet, Coffs Harbour.
Collectors: Millar, A.J.K., Gabrielson, P.W. Collector's number: AM593
Collected date: 22/01/1982
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA115845a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Glaneuse Reef, Point Lonsdale.
Collectors: Verbruggen, H. Collector's number: VRM312
Collected date: 08/11/2014
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118630a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Coalcliff.
Collectors: H., K. Collector's number: AM561
Collected date: 03/11/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118631a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: New South Wales Locality: Arrawarra Beach.
Collectors: Millar, A., Huisman, J. Collector's number: AM562
Collected date: 15/01/1982
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118632a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tafea Province Locality: Anaret, Aneityum.
Collectors: Dixon, R., Iasu, L., Eddien, S. Collector's number: R021
Collected date: 09/11/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118632b
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tafea Province Locality: Anaret, Aneityum.
Collectors: Dixon, R., Iasu, L., Eddien, S. Collector's number: R021
Collected date: 09/11/2005
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118633a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown, Gloucester Reserve.
Collectors: O'Brien, C. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 18/08/1976
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118635a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Tasmania Locality: Tinderbox, SE [South East] Tasmania.
Collectors: Thomas, D.P. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 20/02/1983
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118636a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Portland.
Collectors: Womersley, H.B.S. Collector's number: K3810
Collected date: 02/09/1971
Number of high resolution images: 0
Catalogue number: MELUA118991a
Family: Gracilariaceae
State: Victoria Locality: Williamstown.
Collectors: Kraft, G.T. Collector's number: s.n.
Collected date: 07/04/1975
Number of high resolution images: 0
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The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. |
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A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1850-1899 | 1 |
1900-1949 | 10 |
1950-1999 | 109 |
2000-2049 | 5 |
Total | 125 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1930-1939 | 1 |
1940-1949 | 0 |
1950-1959 | 0 |
1960-1969 | 0 |
1970-1979 | 5 |
1980-1989 | 6 |
1990-1999 | 8 |
2000-2009 | 1 |
2010-2019 | 60 |
Total | 81 |
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