Family: Cyperaceae
There are 289 collection objects. Of these, 163 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 173 images, and 196 collection objects are georeferenced.
There are 26 genera, and 119 species.
- Arthrostylis
Go to genus Baumea
SPECIES: Baumea acuta
SPECIES: Baumea articulata
SPECIES: Baumea juncea
SPECIES: Baumea rubiginosa
SPECIES: Baumea teretifolia
SPECIES: Baumea tetragona
- Bolboschoenus
Go to genus Carex
SPECIES: Carex appressa
SPECIES: Carex austrotenella
SPECIES: Carex bichenoviana
SPECIES: Carex blakei
SPECIES: Carex breviculmis
SPECIES: Carex canescens
SPECIES: Carex cephalotes
SPECIES: Carex contracta
SPECIES: Carex divisa
SPECIES: Carex echinata
SPECIES: Carex fascicularis
SPECIES: Carex gaudichaudiana
SPECIES: Carex hebes
SPECIES: Carex incomitata
SPECIES: Carex inversa
SPECIES: Carex jackiana
SPECIES: Carex longebrachiata
SPECIES: Carex polyantha
SPECIES: Carex pumila
SPECIES: Carex pyrenaica
- Carpha
- Caustis
- Chorizandra
- Cladium
- Cyathochaeta
Go to genus Cyperus
SPECIES: Cyperus brevifolius
SPECIES: Cyperus concinnus
SPECIES: Cyperus congestus
SPECIES: Cyperus difformis
SPECIES: Cyperus eragrostis
SPECIES: Cyperus exaltatus
SPECIES: Cyperus flaccidus
SPECIES: Cyperus flavidus
SPECIES: Cyperus gracilis
SPECIES: Cyperus gunnii
SPECIES: Cyperus gymnocaulos
SPECIES: Cyperus laevigatus
SPECIES: Cyperus lucidus
SPECIES: Cyperus polystachyos
SPECIES: Cyperus pygmaeus
SPECIES: Cyperus rotundus
SPECIES: Cyperus sanguinolentus
SPECIES: Cyperus sphacelatus
SPECIES: Cyperus squarrosus
SPECIES: Cyperus trinervis
SPECIES: Cyperus unioloides
Go to genus Eleocharis
SPECIES: Eleocharis acuta
SPECIES: Eleocharis atricha
SPECIES: Eleocharis gracilis
SPECIES: Eleocharis pusilla
SPECIES: Eleocharis sphacelata
- Ficinia
Go to genus Fimbristylis
SPECIES: Fimbristylis aestivalis
SPECIES: Fimbristylis dichotoma
SPECIES: Fimbristylis velata
Go to genus Gahnia
SPECIES: Gahnia aspera
SPECIES: Gahnia clarkei
SPECIES: Gahnia filum
SPECIES: Gahnia grandis
SPECIES: Gahnia lanigera
SPECIES: Gahnia radula
SPECIES: Gahnia sieberiana
SPECIES: Gahnia trifida
- Gymnoschoenus
Go to genus Isolepis
SPECIES: Isolepis aucklandica
SPECIES: Isolepis australiensis
SPECIES: Isolepis cernua
SPECIES: Isolepis crassiuscula
SPECIES: Isolepis fluitans
SPECIES: Isolepis gaudichaudiana
SPECIES: Isolepis hookeriana
SPECIES: Isolepis inundata
SPECIES: Isolepis levynsiana
SPECIES: Isolepis marginata
SPECIES: Isolepis montivaga
SPECIES: Isolepis prolifera
SPECIES: Isolepis subtilissima
Go to genus Lepidosperma
SPECIES: Lepidosperma carphoides
SPECIES: Lepidosperma concavum
SPECIES: Lepidosperma congestum
SPECIES: Lepidosperma curtisiae
SPECIES: Lepidosperma elatius
SPECIES: Lepidosperma filiforme
SPECIES: Lepidosperma forsythii
SPECIES: Lepidosperma gladiatum
SPECIES: Lepidosperma laterale
SPECIES: Lepidosperma longitudinale
SPECIES: Lepidosperma neesii
SPECIES: Lepidosperma semiteres
SPECIES: Lepidosperma tortuosum
SPECIES: Lepidosperma viscidum
- Lipocarpha
- Oreobolus
- Ptilothrix
- Schoenoplectiella
- Schoenoplectus
Go to genus Schoenus
SPECIES: Schoenus apogon
SPECIES: Schoenus calyptratus
SPECIES: Schoenus latelaminatus
SPECIES: Schoenus lepidosperma
SPECIES: Schoenus maschalinus
SPECIES: Schoenus melanostachys
SPECIES: Schoenus nanus
SPECIES: Schoenus nitens
SPECIES: Schoenus subaphyllus
- Trachystylis
- Tricostularia
- Uncinia
The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. | |
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A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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A black circle indicates 100 or more proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1800-1849 | 2 |
1850-1899 | 37 |
1900-1949 | 111 |
1950-1999 | 96 |
2000-2049 | 20 |
Total | 266 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1850-1899 | 7 |
1900-1949 | 9 |
1950-1999 | 96 |
2000-2049 | 36 |
Total | 148 |