Family: Poaceae
There are 873 collection objects. Of these, 628 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 653 images, and 675 collection objects are georeferenced.
There are 119 genera, and 264 species.
Go to genus Agrostis
SPECIES: Agrostis
SPECIES: Agrostis capillaris
SPECIES: Agrostis gigantea
SPECIES: Agrostis idahoensis
SPECIES: Agrostis magellanica
SPECIES: Agrostis muelleriana
SPECIES: Agrostis parviflora
SPECIES: Agrostis stolonifera
SPECIES: Agrostis venusta
- Aira
- Alopecurus
- Amphibromus
- Amphipogon
- Anisopogon
- Anthosachne
- Anthoxanthum
- Aristida
- Arundinella
- Australopyrum
Go to genus Austrodanthonia
SPECIES: Austrodanthonia alpicola
SPECIES: Austrodanthonia bipartita
SPECIES: Austrodanthonia caespitosa x Austrodanthonia setacea
SPECIES: Austrodanthonia laevis
SPECIES: Austrodanthonia penicillata
Go to genus Austrostipa
SPECIES: Austrostipa
SPECIES: Austrostipa acrociliata
SPECIES: Austrostipa aristiglumis
SPECIES: Austrostipa blackii
SPECIES: Austrostipa curticoma
SPECIES: Austrostipa densiflora
SPECIES: Austrostipa drummondii
SPECIES: Austrostipa elegantissima
SPECIES: Austrostipa eremophila
SPECIES: Austrostipa flavescens
SPECIES: Austrostipa hemipogon
SPECIES: Austrostipa macalpinei
SPECIES: Austrostipa mollis
SPECIES: Austrostipa muelleri
SPECIES: Austrostipa nitida
SPECIES: Austrostipa nivicola
SPECIES: Austrostipa oligostachya
SPECIES: Austrostipa platychaeta
SPECIES: Austrostipa pubescens
SPECIES: Austrostipa pubinodis
SPECIES: Austrostipa scabra
SPECIES: Austrostipa semibarbata
SPECIES: Austrostipa setacea
SPECIES: Austrostipa stipoides
SPECIES: Austrostipa stuposa
SPECIES: Austrostipa variabilis
- Avena
- Bothriochloa
- Briza
Go to genus Bromus
SPECIES: Bromus alopecuros
SPECIES: Bromus arenarius
SPECIES: Bromus catharticus
SPECIES: Bromus diandrus
SPECIES: Bromus hordeaceus
SPECIES: Bromus inermis
SPECIES: Bromus madritensis
SPECIES: Bromus maritimus
SPECIES: Bromus rubens
SPECIES: Bromus sterilis
- Calamagrostis
- Catapodium
Go to genus Cenchrus
SPECIES: Cenchrus australis
SPECIES: Cenchrus caliculatus
SPECIES: Cenchrus longisetus
- Chloris
- Cortaderia
Go to genus Cymbopogon
SPECIES: Cymbopogon ambiguus
SPECIES: Cymbopogon obtectus
SPECIES: Cymbopogon procerus
SPECIES: Cymbopogon refractus
- Cynodon
- Cynosurus
- Dactylis
- Dactyloctenium
- Danthonia
Go to genus Deyeuxia
SPECIES: Deyeuxia
SPECIES: Deyeuxia brachyathera
SPECIES: Deyeuxia carinata
SPECIES: Deyeuxia crassiuscula
SPECIES: Deyeuxia densa
SPECIES: Deyeuxia monticola
SPECIES: Deyeuxia quadriseta
- Dichanthium
- Dichelachne
Go to genus Digitaria
SPECIES: Digitaria ammophila
SPECIES: Digitaria brownii
SPECIES: Digitaria ciliaris
SPECIES: Digitaria divaricatissima
SPECIES: Digitaria parviflora
SPECIES: Digitaria sanguinalis
- Diplachne
- Distichlis
- Dryopoa
Go to genus Echinochloa
SPECIES: Echinochloa colona
SPECIES: Echinochloa crus-galli
SPECIES: Echinochloa esculenta
- Echinopogon
Go to genus Ehrharta
SPECIES: Ehrharta calycina
SPECIES: Ehrharta erecta
SPECIES: Ehrharta longiflora
- Eleusine
- Elymus
- Elytrigia
- Elytrophorus
- Enneapogon
- Enteropogon
- Entolasia
Go to genus Eragrostis
SPECIES: Eragrostis australasica
SPECIES: Eragrostis brownii
SPECIES: Eragrostis cilianensis
SPECIES: Eragrostis concinna
SPECIES: Eragrostis dielsii
SPECIES: Eragrostis elongata
SPECIES: Eragrostis lacunaria
SPECIES: Eragrostis leptostachya
SPECIES: Eragrostis parviflora
SPECIES: Eragrostis pilosa
SPECIES: Eragrostis racemosa
SPECIES: Eragrostis setifolia
SPECIES: Eragrostis tef
- Eriachne
- Eriochloa
- Eriochrysis
- Eriocoma
- Eulalia
Go to genus Festuca
SPECIES: Festuca arundinacea
SPECIES: Festuca asperula
SPECIES: Festuca contracta
SPECIES: Festuca muelleri
SPECIES: Festuca rubra
- Glyceria
- Hainardia
- Hemarthria
- Hesperostipa
- Hierochloe
- Holcus
- Hookerochloa
- Hordeum
- Imperata
- Isachne
- Koeleria
Go to genus Lachnagrostis
SPECIES: Lachnagrostis billardierei
SPECIES: Lachnagrostis filiformis
SPECIES: Lachnagrostis meionectes
- Lagurus
- Lamarckia
Go to genus Lolium
SPECIES: Lolium arundinaceum
SPECIES: Lolium multiflorum
SPECIES: Lolium perenne
SPECIES: Lolium rigidum
- Lophopyrum
- Megathyrsus
- Melica
- Micraira
- Microlaena
- Nassella
- Neurachne
- Oplismenus
Go to genus Panicum
SPECIES: Panicum bisulcatum
SPECIES: Panicum capillare
SPECIES: Panicum coloratum
SPECIES: Panicum decompositum
SPECIES: Panicum effusum
SPECIES: Panicum mitchellii
SPECIES: Panicum obseptum
SPECIES: Panicum trachyrhachis
- Parapholis
Go to genus Paspalidium
SPECIES: Paspalidium constrictum
SPECIES: Paspalidium gracile
SPECIES: Paspalidium jubiflorum
- Paspalum
Go to genus Pennisetum
SPECIES: Pennisetum alopecuroides
SPECIES: Pennisetum clandestinum
SPECIES: Pennisetum villosum
- Pentameris
- Pentapogon
- Perotis
Go to genus Phalaris
SPECIES: Phalaris aquatica
SPECIES: Phalaris canariensis
SPECIES: Phalaris minor
SPECIES: Phalaris paradoxa
- Phleum
- Phragmites
- Piptatherum
- Plinthanthesis
Go to genus Poa
SPECIES: Poa annua
SPECIES: Poa billardierei
SPECIES: Poa clelandii
SPECIES: Poa cookii
SPECIES: Poa costiniana
SPECIES: Poa drummondiana
SPECIES: Poa ensiformis
SPECIES: Poa fawcettiae
SPECIES: Poa fax
SPECIES: Poa foliosa
SPECIES: Poa fordeana
SPECIES: Poa hiemata
SPECIES: Poa hothamensis
SPECIES: Poa labillardierei
SPECIES: Poa mireniana
SPECIES: Poa phillipsiana
SPECIES: Poa poiformis
SPECIES: Poa pratensis
SPECIES: Poa rodwayi
SPECIES: Poa secunda
SPECIES: Poa sieberiana
SPECIES: Poa tenera
- Polypogon
- Pseudoraphis
Go to genus Puccinellia
SPECIES: Puccinellia fasciculata x Puccinellia stricta
SPECIES: Puccinellia macquariensis
SPECIES: Puccinellia perlaxa
SPECIES: Puccinellia perlaxa x Puccinellia stricta
SPECIES: Puccinellia stricta
- Rostraria
Go to genus Rytidosperma
SPECIES: Rytidosperma alpicola
SPECIES: Rytidosperma auriculatum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma caespitosum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma carphoides
SPECIES: Rytidosperma geniculatum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma nivicola
SPECIES: Rytidosperma nudiflorum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma pallidum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma penicillatum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma pilosum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma semiannulare
SPECIES: Rytidosperma setaceum
SPECIES: Rytidosperma tenuius
- Schismus
Go to genus Setaria
SPECIES: Setaria glauca
SPECIES: Setaria parviflora
SPECIES: Setaria verticillata
SPECIES: Setaria viridis
Go to genus Sorghum
SPECIES: Sorghum halepense
SPECIES: Sorghum leiocladum
SPECIES: Sorghum macrospermum
- Spinifex
Go to genus Sporobolus
SPECIES: Sporobolus
SPECIES: Sporobolus africanus
SPECIES: Sporobolus caroli
SPECIES: Sporobolus mitchellii
SPECIES: Sporobolus pulchellus
SPECIES: Sporobolus ramiger
SPECIES: Sporobolus virginicus
- Stenotaphrum
- Stipa
Go to genus Tetrarrhena
SPECIES: Tetrarrhena
SPECIES: Tetrarrhena distichophylla
SPECIES: Tetrarrhena juncea
- Thaumastochloa
- Themeda
- Thinopyrum
- Thyridolepis
- Tragus
- Tribolium
- Triodia
- Tripogon
- Triraphis
- Trisetum
Go to genus Urochloa
SPECIES: Urochloa decumbens
SPECIES: Urochloa foliosa
SPECIES: Urochloa mosambicensis
SPECIES: Urochloa piligera
- Vulpia
- Walwhalleya
- Whiteochloa
- Yakirra
- Zoysia
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An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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