Family: Rhamnaceae
There are 361 collection objects. Of these, 51 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 52 images, and 333 collection objects are georeferenced.
There are 9 genera, and 78 species.
- Alphitonia
Go to genus Cryptandra
SPECIES: Cryptandra amara
SPECIES: Cryptandra magniflora
SPECIES: Cryptandra propinqua
SPECIES: Cryptandra tomentosa
- Discaria
- Phyllogeiton
Go to genus Pomaderris
SPECIES: Pomaderris andromedifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris angustifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris apetala
SPECIES: Pomaderris aspera
SPECIES: Pomaderris betulina
SPECIES: Pomaderris elachophylla
SPECIES: Pomaderris elliptica
SPECIES: Pomaderris ferruginea
SPECIES: Pomaderris forrestiana
SPECIES: Pomaderris helianthemifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris intermedia
SPECIES: Pomaderris lanigera
SPECIES: Pomaderris ligustrina
SPECIES: Pomaderris myrtilloides
SPECIES: Pomaderris oraria
SPECIES: Pomaderris phylicifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris pilifera
SPECIES: Pomaderris prunifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris racemosa
SPECIES: Pomaderris rotundifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris vaccinifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris vacciniifolia
SPECIES: Pomaderris velutina
- Rhamnus
Go to genus Spyridium
SPECIES: Spyridium
SPECIES: Spyridium bifidum
SPECIES: Spyridium burragorang
SPECIES: Spyridium buxifolium
SPECIES: Spyridium cinereum
SPECIES: Spyridium coactilifolium
SPECIES: Spyridium coalitum
SPECIES: Spyridium cordatum
SPECIES: Spyridium daltonii
SPECIES: Spyridium eriocephalum
SPECIES: Spyridium fontis-woodii
SPECIES: Spyridium furculentum
SPECIES: Spyridium glaucum
SPECIES: Spyridium globulosum
SPECIES: Spyridium gunnii
SPECIES: Spyridium halmaturinum
SPECIES: Spyridium lawrencei
SPECIES: Spyridium majoranifolium
SPECIES: Spyridium microcephalum
SPECIES: Spyridium minutum
SPECIES: Spyridium mucronatum
SPECIES: Spyridium nitidum
SPECIES: Spyridium obcordatum
SPECIES: Spyridium obovatum
SPECIES: Spyridium oligocephalum
SPECIES: Spyridium parvifolium
SPECIES: Spyridium parvifolium x Spyridium vexilliferum
SPECIES: Spyridium phlebophyllum
SPECIES: Spyridium phylicoides
SPECIES: Spyridium polycephalum
SPECIES: Spyridium riparium
SPECIES: Spyridium scabridum
SPECIES: Spyridium scortechinii
SPECIES: Spyridium sp. Jerdacuttup
SPECIES: Spyridium spadiceum
SPECIES: Spyridium spathulatum
SPECIES: Spyridium stenophyllum
SPECIES: Spyridium subochreatum
SPECIES: Spyridium thymifolium
SPECIES: Spyridium tricolor
SPECIES: Spyridium ulicinum
SPECIES: Spyridium vexilliferum
SPECIES: Spyridium waterhousei
SPECIES: Spyridium x ramosissimum
- Stenanthemum
- Trymalium
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The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. |
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A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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A black circle indicates 100 or more proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
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Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1850-1899 | 14 |
1900-1949 | 66 |
1950-1999 | 41 |
2000-2049 | 216 |
Total | 337 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1850-1899 | 6 |
1900-1949 | 24 |
1950-1999 | 38 |
2000-2049 | 202 |
Total | 270 |