Family: Asteraceae
There are 1,681 collection objects. Of these, 570 have one or more high resolution images - a total of 609 images, and 1,389 collection objects are georeferenced.
There are 176 genera, and 424 species.
The first 1,000 collection objects are shown.
- Acanthospermum
- Achillea
- Actinobole
- Actites
- Adenostemma
- Allittia
- Ambrosia
Go to genus Angianthus
SPECIES: Angianthus brachypappus
SPECIES: Angianthus glabratus
SPECIES: Angianthus preissianus
SPECIES: Angianthus tomentosus
- Anthemis
- Apalochlamys
- Arctium
- Arctotheca
- Arctotis
- Argentipallium
- Argyranthemum
Go to genus Argyrotegium
SPECIES: Argyrotegium fordianum
SPECIES: Argyrotegium mackayi
SPECIES: Argyrotegium nitidulum
SPECIES: Argyrotegium poliochlorum
- Arrhenechthites
- Artemisia
- Asteridea
- Bedfordia
- Bellis
- Berkheya
- Bidens
- Blennospora
Go to genus Brachyscome
SPECIES: Brachyscome
SPECIES: Brachyscome aculeata
SPECIES: Brachyscome campylocarpa
SPECIES: Brachyscome ciliaris
SPECIES: Brachyscome decipiens
SPECIES: Brachyscome dentata
SPECIES: Brachyscome diversifolia
SPECIES: Brachyscome formosa
SPECIES: Brachyscome graminea
SPECIES: Brachyscome lineariloba
SPECIES: Brachyscome multifida
SPECIES: Brachyscome nivalis
SPECIES: Brachyscome obovata
SPECIES: Brachyscome paludicola
SPECIES: Brachyscome papillosa
SPECIES: Brachyscome parvula
SPECIES: Brachyscome perpusilla
SPECIES: Brachyscome ptychocarpa
SPECIES: Brachyscome rigidula
SPECIES: Brachyscome scapigera
SPECIES: Brachyscome spathulata
- Calendula
Go to genus Calocephalus
SPECIES: Calocephalus
SPECIES: Calocephalus citreus
SPECIES: Calocephalus lacteus
SPECIES: Calocephalus sonderi
Go to genus Calotis
SPECIES: Calotis
SPECIES: Calotis cuneifolia
SPECIES: Calotis erinacea
SPECIES: Calotis glandulosa
SPECIES: Calotis hispidula
SPECIES: Calotis lappulacea
SPECIES: Calotis scabiosifolia
SPECIES: Calotis scapigera
- Carduus
- Carthamus
Go to genus Cassinia
SPECIES: Cassinia aculeata
SPECIES: Cassinia arcuata
SPECIES: Cassinia longifolia
SPECIES: Cassinia trinerva
SPECIES: Cassinia uncata
Go to genus Celmisia
SPECIES: Celmisia costiniana
SPECIES: Celmisia latifolia
SPECIES: Celmisia longifolia
SPECIES: Celmisia pugioniformis
SPECIES: Celmisia sericophylla
SPECIES: Celmisia tomentella
Go to genus Centaurea
SPECIES: Centaurea
SPECIES: Centaurea calcitrapa
SPECIES: Centaurea melitensis
SPECIES: Centaurea solstitialis
- Centipeda
- Ceratogyne
- Chrysanthemoides
Go to genus Chrysocephalum
SPECIES: Chrysocephalum apiculatum
SPECIES: Chrysocephalum baxteri
SPECIES: Chrysocephalum semipapposum
- Chthonocephalus
- Cichorium
- Cirsium
Go to genus Coronidium
SPECIES: Coronidium adenophorum
SPECIES: Coronidium elatum
SPECIES: Coronidium gunnianum
SPECIES: Coronidium monticola
SPECIES: Coronidium scorpioides
SPECIES: Coronidium waddelliae
Go to genus Cotula
SPECIES: Cotula alpina
SPECIES: Cotula australis
SPECIES: Cotula bipinnata
SPECIES: Cotula coronopifolia
SPECIES: Cotula vulgaris
Go to genus Craspedia
SPECIES: Craspedia
SPECIES: Craspedia adenophora
SPECIES: Craspedia aurantia
SPECIES: Craspedia crocata
SPECIES: Craspedia glauca
SPECIES: Craspedia gracilis
SPECIES: Craspedia jamesii
SPECIES: Craspedia maxgrayi
SPECIES: Craspedia paludicola
- Crepis
- Crocidium
- Cymbonotus
- Eclipta
- Elachanthus
- Epaltes
- Erigeron
- Eriochlamys
- Erymophyllum
Go to genus Euchiton
SPECIES: Euchiton involucratus
SPECIES: Euchiton japonicus
SPECIES: Euchiton sphaericus
SPECIES: Euchiton traversii
SPECIES: Euchiton umbricola
- Euryops
- Ewartia
- Gamochaeta
- Glebionis
- Glossocardia
- Gnephosis
Go to genus Helichrysum
SPECIES: Helichrysum
SPECIES: Helichrysum leucopsideum
SPECIES: Helichrysum luteoalbum
SPECIES: Helichrysum rutidolepis
SPECIES: Helichrysum scorpioides
- Helminthotheca
Go to genus Hyalosperma
SPECIES: Hyalosperma demissum
SPECIES: Hyalosperma glutinosum
SPECIES: Hyalosperma praecox
SPECIES: Hyalosperma semisterile
- Hypochaeris
- Hypochoeris
- Isoetopsis
- Ixodia
- Lactuca
- Lagenophora
- Lapsana
- Lasthenia
Go to genus Leiocarpa
SPECIES: Leiocarpa panaetioides
SPECIES: Leiocarpa tomentosa
SPECIES: Leiocarpa websteri
- Leontodon
Go to genus Leptinella
SPECIES: Leptinella filicula
SPECIES: Leptinella longipes
SPECIES: Leptinella reptans
Go to genus Leptorhynchos
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos elongatus
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos nitidulus
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos squamatus
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos tenuifolius
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos tetrachaetus
SPECIES: Leptorhynchos waitzia
- Leucanthemum
Go to genus Leucochrysum
SPECIES: Leucochrysum albicans
SPECIES: Leucochrysum alpinum
SPECIES: Leucochrysum molle
- Matricaria
Go to genus Microseris
SPECIES: Microseris
SPECIES: Microseris lanceolata
SPECIES: Microseris scapigera
SPECIES: Microseris walteri
Go to genus Millotia
SPECIES: Millotia macrocarpa
SPECIES: Millotia muelleri
SPECIES: Millotia myosotidifolia
SPECIES: Millotia perpusilla
SPECIES: Millotia tenuifolia
Go to genus Minuria
SPECIES: Minuria cunninghamii
SPECIES: Minuria denticulata
SPECIES: Minuria integerrima
SPECIES: Minuria leptophylla
- Monoculus
- Montanoa
- Myriocephalus
- Nablonium
- Notobasis
Go to genus Olearia
SPECIES: Olearia
SPECIES: Olearia algida
SPECIES: Olearia alpicola
SPECIES: Olearia argophylla
SPECIES: Olearia asterotricha
SPECIES: Olearia axillaris
SPECIES: Olearia brevipedunculata
SPECIES: Olearia ciliata
SPECIES: Olearia decurrens
SPECIES: Olearia erubescens
SPECIES: Olearia floribunda
SPECIES: Olearia frostii
SPECIES: Olearia glandulosa
SPECIES: Olearia glutinosa
SPECIES: Olearia gunniana
SPECIES: Olearia iodochroa
SPECIES: Olearia lanuginosa
SPECIES: Olearia lepidophylla
SPECIES: Olearia lirata
SPECIES: Olearia magniflora
SPECIES: Olearia megalophylla
SPECIES: Olearia muelleri
SPECIES: Olearia myrsinoides
SPECIES: Olearia pannosa
SPECIES: Olearia passerinoides
SPECIES: Olearia phlogopappa
SPECIES: Olearia picridifolia
SPECIES: Olearia pimeleoides
SPECIES: Olearia ramulosa
SPECIES: Olearia rudis
SPECIES: Olearia rugosa
SPECIES: Olearia speciosa
SPECIES: Olearia stellulata
SPECIES: Olearia subrepanda
SPECIES: Olearia subspicata
SPECIES: Olearia tenuifolia
SPECIES: Olearia teretifolia
SPECIES: Olearia tomentosa
SPECIES: Olearia tubuliflora
SPECIES: Olearia viscosa
- Onopordum
- Othonna
Go to genus Ozothamnus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus adnatus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus argophyllus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus conditus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus cuneifolius
SPECIES: Ozothamnus cupressoides
SPECIES: Ozothamnus decurrens
SPECIES: Ozothamnus ferrugineus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus obcordatus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus pholidotus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus rosmarinifolius
SPECIES: Ozothamnus secundiflorus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus stirlingii
SPECIES: Ozothamnus thyrsoideus
SPECIES: Ozothamnus turbinatus
Go to genus Pappochroma
SPECIES: Pappochroma bellidioides
SPECIES: Pappochroma nitidus
SPECIES: Pappochroma paludicola
- Pericallis
- Picris
- Pilosella
Go to genus Podolepis
SPECIES: Podolepis canescens
SPECIES: Podolepis capillaris
SPECIES: Podolepis jaceoides
SPECIES: Podolepis laciniata
SPECIES: Podolepis robusta
SPECIES: Podolepis tepperi
- Podotheca
- Pogonolepis
- Polycalymma
- Pterocaulon
Go to genus Pycnosorus
SPECIES: Pycnosorus chrysanthes
SPECIES: Pycnosorus chrysanthus
SPECIES: Pycnosorus pleiocephalus
- Rhaponticum
Go to genus Rhodanthe
SPECIES: Rhodanthe anthemoides
SPECIES: Rhodanthe corymbiflora
SPECIES: Rhodanthe floribunda
SPECIES: Rhodanthe moschata
SPECIES: Rhodanthe polygalifolia
SPECIES: Rhodanthe pygmaea
SPECIES: Rhodanthe stuartiana
SPECIES: Rhodanthe uniflora
- Roldana
Go to genus Rudbeckia
SPECIES: Rudbeckia
SPECIES: Rudbeckia bicolor
SPECIES: Rudbeckia laciniata
SPECIES: Rudbeckia newmanii
SPECIES: Rudbeckia nitida
- Rutidosis
Go to genus Senecio
SPECIES: Senecio
SPECIES: Senecio anethifolius
SPECIES: Senecio bathurstianus
SPECIES: Senecio behrianus
SPECIES: Senecio biserratus
SPECIES: Senecio cineraria
SPECIES: Senecio cunninghamii
SPECIES: Senecio elegans
SPECIES: Senecio glossanthus
SPECIES: Senecio gregorii
SPECIES: Senecio gunnii
SPECIES: Senecio hispidissimus
SPECIES: Senecio hispidulus
SPECIES: Senecio jacobaea
SPECIES: Senecio lanibracteus
SPECIES: Senecio lautus
SPECIES: Senecio linearifolius
SPECIES: Senecio minimus
SPECIES: Senecio minimus x Senecio glomeratus
SPECIES: Senecio odoratus
SPECIES: Senecio pectinatus
SPECIES: Senecio pinnatifolius
SPECIES: Senecio pinnatifolius x Senecio linearifolius
SPECIES: Senecio platylepis
SPECIES: Senecio psilocarpus
SPECIES: Senecio quadridentatus
SPECIES: Senecio runcinifolius
SPECIES: Senecio vagus
SPECIES: Senecio velleioides
SPECIES: Senecio vulgaris
- Sigesbeckia
- Siloxerus
- Solenogyne
- Solidago
- Soliva
- Sonchus
- Sphaeromorphaea
- Stokesia
- Stuartina
- Symphyotrichum
- Tagetes
- Tanacetum
- Taraxacum
- Tithonia
- Tragopogon
Go to genus Trichanthodium
SPECIES: Trichanthodium baracchianum
SPECIES: Trichanthodium skirrophorum
- Tripleurospermum
- Triptilodiscus
- Vellereophyton
Go to genus Vittadinia
SPECIES: Vittadinia australasica
SPECIES: Vittadinia cervicularis
SPECIES: Vittadinia cuneata
SPECIES: Vittadinia triloba
- Waitzia
- Xanthium
Go to genus Xerochrysum
SPECIES: Xerochrysum bracteatum
SPECIES: Xerochrysum papillosum
SPECIES: Xerochrysum subundulatum
SPECIES: Xerochrysum viscosum
- Zinnia
The marker icon indicates a single location where one or more objects were collected. Click to see more information. | |
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A pink circle indicates two to nine proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
63 |
An orange circle indicates 10 to 99 proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
141 |
A black circle indicates 100 or more proximal locations where objects were collected. Click on the circle or zoom to resolve the locations. |
Years Collected | Number of collection objects |
1750-1799 | 2 |
1800-1849 | 0 |
1850-1899 | 54 |
1900-1949 | 386 |
1950-1999 | 471 |
2000-2049 | 23 |
Total | 936 |
Years Determined | Number of collection objects |
1900-1949 | 52 |
1950-1999 | 272 |
2000-2049 | 252 |
Total | 576 |